The Great American Entertainment Co. is looking for hardworking, honest people who love animals, kids, and traveling. We are the #1 animal attractions company in the U.S. and work at some of the largest rodeos and fairs in the country. Our company promotes agriculture and edu-tainment, and we are a family oriented company!

Dear Great American Entertainment Co...
Went to the WA Evergreen State Fair yesterday and visited your petting zoo. Wow! What an wonderful experience. Best petting zoo ever. Reminded me of when I was a kid when animals and people were actually allowed to be together! So frustrating when we go to fairs and petting zoos and the handlers won't allow you to touch their animals. And it was FREE! Thank you, THANK YOU! The staff was so relaxed yet diligent in cleaning up poop and insuring the well being of both animals and guests. WOW! Kids had fun and I was thrilled to pet wallabies, llamas, fawns, piglets and all the other amazingly well-behaved animals. How do they all get along so well? Whatever the secret is, THANK YOU! I hope you will be back again next year?
Your petting zoo is the best ever. I went to the one in Orange County (Southern CA.). I could have spent the entire day there. Got some excellent pictures.
One genius goat was just waiting by the food dispensing machine. When people put money in, he pushed them out of the way and ate the pellets right out of the machine. A much smaller goat could never reach where the pellets came out so he was standing on top of the hay to get the sympathy vote.
I was especially impressed with the variety of animals. I had never seen where children (and adults) were also allowed to brush them.
I hope you come again every year. I will be there. I will plan it so that I can spend at least 1 hour there. Had a great time. Your animals are clearly well taken care of.
Dr. Patty Boge (veterinarian)
We are looking to fill positions for our summer routes.

The nation's #1 traveling animal entertainment company based in Stephenville, TX is taking applications for our winter and summer tours!
An internship with the Great American Entertainment Co. is amazing opportunity to learn with America’s finest animal entertainment company. For over 40 years, the Great American Entertainment Co. has been well respected by the USDA and the Oregon and California Departments of Fish and Wildlife and they have utilized our expertise in order to help them construct their regulations regarding petting zoos.
Learning opportunities with us include:
Learning about species specific diseases
Proper animal husbandry practices including hoof trimming, sheep shearing, record keeping and breeding programs
Assisting in live births
Bottle feeding, raising, and handling of exotic Fallow Deer fawns and Bennett Wallabies
Veterinary care work, including herd vaccinations and de-worming, administering medications and vaccines, and opportunities to assist in on-site veterinarian visits
Herd identification methods including tattooing and micro chipping
Licensing and disease testing requirements for traveling
Our award-winning operational techniques, and our e.coli prevention program
Great American Petting Farm is the perfect work environment for those who wish to gain a more "hands on experience" working with animals.
There are many responsibilities that come with operating our petting farms, from helping our patrons and caring for our animals to setting up our petting farm structure and maintaining its impeccable cleanliness.
It is required that interns have a basic knowledge of animal husbandry (or are willing to learn) and a personality that likes people and can deal with the public in a courteous manner.
If you would love the opportunity to intern with us while traveling the country and learning from our expert petting farm team...
The Great American Entertainment Co. is the number one petting farm, pony ride and children’s attraction company in America. For 40 years, we've traveled the country bringing wholesome family entertainment to fairs, festivals and rodeos. Volunteers, including high school students, have the opportunity to work with our wide variety of friendly, hand-raised animals and learn from our expert farm crew team, all the while gaining valuable volunteer hours. If you would love to participate in our volunteer program...
Everything That Matters in the Kitchen
Cook Books
Dianne’s collection of cook books with simple, healthy, delicious Country Gourmet recipes in less than 20 minutes.
Work with a wide variety of hand-raised animals including: Nubian, Alpine, Lamancha, Boer and Pygmy goats; Southdown, Shetland, St. Croix, Barbados, and Cheviot sheep; Zebu Calves, miniature Sicilian Donkeys, Llamas, Alpacas, Fallow Deer, Call Ducks, chickens, Vietnamese Potbellied Pigs, Bennett Wallabies, and a large variety of baby animals, many of them being fed with baby bottles!
We are seeking interns and staff to help operate our petting farms which will be touring Texas, California, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Wyoming, Idaho, Florida, and Oklahoma this year.
Great American Entertainment Company

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Great American Petting Farm

Now Accepting Internship Applications!

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